23 October 2009

Question Time - a reaction

Before I begin this post, I will state again that this is NOT a BNP blog, has no connection to the BNP and remains entirely neutral as far as nationalist parties go - I do not endorse any.

However, I cannot do anything but comment on the first ever appearance on the BBC's "Question Time" of an elected nationalist politician - the BNP MEP and leader Nick Griffin.

As expected, the appearance by Nick Griffin led to protests by the ever-peaceful Unite Against Fascism (the protests led to several arrests and some policemen needed hospital treatment after dealing with the peaceful crowd.) The protests did not stop the programme going ahead.

The audience was obviously hand-picked too, including many ethnic minority people and those who were obviously from anti-nationalist groups. The panel included MPs from Labour, the Lib Dems, Conservatives and the American novellist and playwright Bonnie Greer.

The programme was largely made up of comments and questions relating to the BNP and to Nick Griffin's past, apart from in the later stages, where a question was asked about a report in the Daily Mail relating to an article on the death of Stephen Gately from Boyzone.

The point that most stands out in my mind was Greer's unchallenged attack on the history of the British people. As a playwright and novellist, fiction is obviously her speciality, and she showed it when she stated that, as there were no humans in Europe at or just after the last Ice Age, only the Neanderthals, then the humans who are here now are descended from those who came from the south - Africa. This is rubbish - people did migrate from the south, from southern EUROPE, where the people are white, not Sub-Saharan Africa where they are most definitely not. Take a look at the map on this page and you will see for yourself that only the northern part of Europe was under ice. What a pity this point went unchallenged.