06 June 2009

"British" drug smuggler to come to Britain to serve sentence

The "British" drug smuggler Samantha Orobator (a good old traditional British surname there - not!) will not serve her prison sentence in Laos after all, but will be kept for a paltry length of time in luxury at the taxpayers' expense - yes readers, this drug smuggling scum is going to be transferred to a British prison.

I had been following the story of this "British" drug smuggler for a while, and waited to post on this blog until now.

This character got pregnant, reputedly, to avoid the death penalty which is mandatory in Laos for drug smugglers. The law in Laos states that a pregnant woman cannot be executed - how very convenient.

Did this character stop to think about the misery that drugs cause when she carried the heroin? Did she think about the many pensioners who have been violently robbed of their meagre pensions just so some drugged up piece of trash can buy their next fix?

She should have been executed, pregnant or not - there should be no mercy shown to such rubbish who smuggle and deal in drugs. What a pity we are not like that in this country - a proper zero tolerance approach to drugs instead of the current soft touch.