22 March 2009

Muslims get their way - as usual

Once again the Muslims have got their own way. Yesterday I posted the story of the Nottingham postmaster who refused to serve people who did not bother to speak our language. Naturally there was alot of support for him from proper Britons, but, as usual, the Muslims were howling and bleating that they did not like his stance, so he had to go. The postmaster has now been moved to another Post office, whose location is being kept secret for fear of reprisals from those ever-peaceful Muslims. More here.

And still on Muslims, the government's anti-terror advisor stabbed a man whom he feared would attack him and his family at his home. Whilst I condemn anyone who tries to break into another person's home, it would be interesting to know why, when white Britons have defended their families and property against invaders they have been charged and imprisoned, but when a Muslim does the same thing he faces no charges? One rule for white, indigenous Britons and another for Muslims, as usual. That story is here.