12 December 2008

Mothers into work - the real agenda?

Earlier this week, the government published its changes to the welfare system, and, unsurprisingly, they have been widely criticised.

One aspect is that mothers whose children have reached one year old will be forced to look for work. I believe that, if a woman wishes to stay at home and bring up her children then she should have the right to do so. Likewise she should not be prevented from working purely and simply because she has children and would like to work. But no, the meddling government wants to force all mothers to have their children effectively brought up by the State (which is what it would amount to if all mothers had to leave their children with approved childminders all day!)

Also, it is becoming popular to teach children at home, thereby saving them from the awful brainwashing and political correctness now ever-present in British schools. If this measure forcing women with children who are a year old to go to work becomes law, then this would prevent them from opting to teach their children at home, and therefore subject the children to being brainwashed into hating their country and their race, and instead believing that other races were here before us and are effectively superior to us.

The government will not like white children being schooled into thinking that white British people have achieved great things, they want to ram slavery down their throats and "black history" instead of our own history. Home schooling would prevent such politically correct dumbing down, and our masters in Westminster (or should that be Brussels?) do not like that.

Now there is the sinister implication that any toddler refusing to eat curry is a racist (no, I am not joking, the report is here). Does this also apply to Asian children who turn their noses up at traditional British food? Will they be deemed racists who are refusing to integrate into British society? No, you can bet it won't!